Monday, June 28, 2010

Tribute to the Oxi Clean Guy

It was a year ago today that informercial pitchman Billy Mays died,  just three days after the unexpected death of Michael Jackson. The two very different celebrities were the same age. The anniversary of Michael Jackson's death  has of course  been celebrated over the last three days. But let's look at Billy Mays now.  Billy Mays was known best for his Oxi Clean, Orange Glow and Kaboom adverts.  He was always speaking in a loud voice that made people think he was yelling.  

Over the last few days I have been watching several of his ads on You Tube including the following ad for Oxi Clean:

And this Kaboom ad (Kaboom was part of the Oxi Clean line):

I, too, had to laugh at the "ring around the toilet" line. I must confess I get that a lot and could use some Kaboom right now!

And Orange Glo, another of his other most famous products (also part of the Oxi Clean line):

One product I never knew about that was pitched by Billy Mays:

Do a You Tube search for other products pitched by Billy Mays. He did many, but the Oxi Clean, Kaboom and Orange Glo ads were the ones for which he was best known.

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