Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Trying to Write More

I have been editing and revising my memoir piece by piece over the last week or so.  It kind of gets hard to want to write in this cold weather. I'm getting sleepy earlier and earlier each day it seems! The change in weather and time can do that I guess. But I will do what I can each day.  It's been less than a year since I began planning the memoir (I began in February).

I have also begun writing something new, the diary novel I've planning to try writing.  I haven't gotten very far on that one, however. I have a few ideas planned for that one, so much that don't know if it should be one or more books. But that's getting a little far ahead, as I have tended to do :-) But then, some of these dairy-style books tend to be short. I noticed this about the "Dear Dumb Diary" series (I have read the first one of those books so far).  My protagonist is a guy, incidentally. Notice that the "Dear Dumb Diary" is about a girl but written by a man. And mine are set in the 80s I had planned in this post.  More on this to come.

I will keep trying to write more, even if I just jot it down on paper as I had done with the memoir.

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